Saturday, July 13, 2013

The Franchisees

Are you pleased with your investment in this franchise?
Yes, I am very please and I enjoy running my franchise.

Has the franchiser lived up to its promises?

What was your greatest disappointment after getting into his business?
So far I think I have no greatest disappointment.

How effective was the training you received in helping your run the franchise?
The management system is relatively smooth, the staff training program helped me a lot as well to lead the team and run the business.

What are your biggest challenges and problems?
My biggest challenges would be the time management between my other work and family as well as this franchise. I have to work hard to ensure the franchise runs well even without me around all the time.

What is your franchise's cash flow like?
[No answer]

How much money are you making on your investment?
A satisfying amount. (Refused to disclose.)

What do you like most about being a franchisee? Least?
It is a durable business idea and they had a good reputation.

Is there a franchisee advisory council that represents franchisees?

Knowing what you know now, would you buy this franchise again?
Yes. I enjoy running my OLDTOWN franchise.

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